Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Reading Logs and Project Work
We added in our read alouds today.
This year the kids will be completing reading logs after we read together each day. I got the logs from the Activity book that goes along with Write Shop D. I can't wait until we start our Write Shop lessons! It took maybe two minutes for each one of the them to complete it. I am still brainstorming how they will be kept. I just love the fact that they are recording information about what they have read ( a great way to check comprehension). Also the logs will be a great pay off for them at the end of a completed school year to look back at.
Ken finished the dress she started sewing yesterday. Yes, she has pink hair!! This is a side effect of having a daughter interested in hair styling and fashion designing. I am learning to pick my battles here. Most importantly she feels good about herself.
Without prompting from me, she recorded documentation of her project work in her planner.
DJ worked on a sketch of his future robot. He wanted to add some work to his project board.
He also learned more about the basics of RCX programming. He asked me if I would like to join him in one of his training missions. While completing his planner DJ asked me" Is this how you spell read, as in I read the user guide today". Good stuff!
Michelle was at the church helping in the office during project time today. I think we are just sticking to projects and read alouds this week. Thursday and Friday we are out of the house a bit, which would just cause too many interruptions. Well wait to leave until after project time
I love the idea of reading logs! I am trying lapbooks, but it is too time-consuming for me for our read alouds. This sounds like a simple alternative!