Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Human Body

We will be finishing up where we left off last year with our study of the human body. I specifically stop unit studies every time when the excitement level drops. I like this approach we love reviewing topics and adding in a little more information each time. This helps with mastery and memorization of concepts without the "drill to kill" side effects.

Last year the kids were really into learning how the brain worked and putting together the brain model that was available for individual work on the shelf. They also learned the parts of the hand and had fun putting together a model of the hand too. This time around I hope that they will  take their leaning deeper into the body systems. We briefly touched on this and the kids know the names of the systems. Now, lets's talk about how they operate, get messy with experiments, research your favorite body system, etc.

Since my kids are avid readers I definitely looked into finding some books that they could really inspire some work.
                       I found this book set at the museum.
Together Ken, DJ and I will read this book about Phineas Cage. We always read aloud in the morning one on one, but I wanted to give reading the same book together a try again. Plus they say I am taking a lot of their independent work period time away with things like Write Shop so this should reduce the time. On another note I love Write Shop, but I love their love for an uninterrupted work period even more so we will not be continuing Write Shop for now.

 I absolutely adore Evan Moor products, they have never let me down! So I went with their resource for lesson plans. I saw the coloring book next to it and just couldn't leave it there on the shelf, I know a lot of children who like to color:)

Give them something to admire was what I was thinking when I made the purchase of the 3D Project Kit. DJ will make an animal cell and Ken will make the plant cell. They are going to love this and I know that it will become one of their works that makes it into the bedroom to be displayed.

And of course we have to have some models to help explore our Parts of the..... card material.

Along with the other models I am sure we will have a human body museum:)

Now the rest is up to them!!


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