Sunday, June 23, 2013

Our Weekly Wrap-Up: Summer Learning Week 2

We are really enjoying our history readings. "A Little History of the World" by E.H. Gombrich. This week we read four chapters that discussed prehistoric times, the wonders of the Nile Rivers, the writing of the Egyptians and the Sumerians, learned more about Mesopotamia, the children are still trying to wrap their brain around The Code of Hammurabi, and they enjoyed understanding how the days of the week were named. Lots of good history being learned just by me reading aloud. I am really loving reading this book and leaving activities to done by the kids if they have an topic that they would like to further explore. The book is perfect for their ages 9-15. Michelle is very interested in King Cheops and is digging even deeper, she wants so badly to read ahead, and at the same time is thrilled that she is able to listen to me read. I love this book and how it is written to the children in such a way that begs for their participation.


In maths DJ is doing well with two digit multiplication. He understands how the Large Bead Frame works and by Thursday he was solving the problems on his own without using the material. He also did problems using the Checkerboard and I am happy that we have it, because the Checkerboard is such a perfect material match for him, and he loves it! Ken has been doing review of multiplying decimals and a little bit of geometry work, mostly avoiding math at the same time just meeting daily expectations of math work. Next week Ken and I will start reading together a living math book in hopes that she can see that she really knows this stuff, and mostly what is going on is that she had a break from schooling, and mom needs to get some materials ready for her, she truly does well with math.

I'll share this picture of their Lego building since I don't have any pictures of their maths this week:)

The geography area definitely needs some sprucing up. Right now we have exactly the same material we had on the shelves in March. By the end of the week I could clearly see why much wasn't getting done in this area. While taking some of the material off the shelves, landmarks became featured. Landmarks are not something that I ever remember them getting too much into, but I think we will try our hand at those for the next month. I am thinking incorporating map skills as well and I know they love good old fashioned treasure hunts that are challenging. They definitely would enjoy learning more about plots and grids.
Latin is just oh so good for their souls! We have revisited some lessons, something that I am finding necessary to do with review items in general. While reviewing we are given specific time frames to complete lessons. Sometimes the review periods are long enough that if life gets in the way you don't have to scram to cover the materials. While reviewing our Latin program we kept on coasting and now we are reviewing to make sure we haven't missed any important vocabulary or grammar rules. I highly recommend Prima Latina for a Latin Program. It was just perfect for them after working with Song School Latin. DJ also has been working on writing a letter to his pen pal.

Next week we will try our hand at Art Journaling. Michelle is very interested in learning this style and I have had a lot of suggestions from people to form a class or group of some sort involving this.

In other areas we are right back to using the our " Time Line of Life"! I truly understand now why the Great Lessons are given again at the beginning of each school year. This week while we were reading about the prehistoric times they made meaningful references to the time line and especially to the the evolution of how man has developed regarding intelligence. There is no doubt in my man that we will be revisiting "The Coming of Man" the traditional Montessori way. At one point I was not trusting implementing this part of the method, but now I can clearly see how doing the Great Lessons does open the door for great works involving all subjects. It takes time and sometimes it takes a good book for interests to start exploding. In our case our current history book is igniting this flame.


Our Monarch Caterpillars are currently in the chrysalis stage. We are planning a trip to the nature center next week to search for caterpillars and possible host plants. They will be using the cameras to document their findings and then creating a non fiction story using the pictures.

The Lady Painted caterpillars are emerging. Beautiful!
The  Monarch caterpillar in its' chrysalis.

Lots of handiwork is being done.

Ken made a pencil pouch.

 DJ just loves using the Japanese Hand Saw. This is a perfect tool for the beginning woodcutter.  

The kids had fun at Michigan Adventures on Wednesday with their Aunt and Uncle and are still talking about how much fun they had. We are looking forward to going to the Nature Center, advertising new classes that will be offered at the Studio and hosting our first Birthday Party next week.

We also had fun at the park. There was a mobile zoo visiting and DJ had so much fun feeding the animals.

Well this pretty much wrap-ups our doings of our Summer learning this week. What have you been up to this week?                


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