Thursday, March 20, 2014

Memory Work

I decided to add memory work to the kid's school days. We have been learning about Shakespeare and reading the play A Midsummer's Dream. We just started on Monday and so far the kids and I have been enjoying it.                                             


I really like the techniques that Ken Ludwig shares in his book How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, we have been learning lots of new meanings to words, imagery, and rhythm to words. Finally I have been able to appropriately challenge their reading skills too. This past Sunday we saw a group of homeschoolers perform the play A Midsummer's Night Dream and it helped them to get to know the characters. Well, really they don't like how they adapted it now that they are reading the play themselves. The play was fantastic!

Learning one line at a time! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We are Back!

I have missed this space tremendously! For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook you already know what has been keeping me busy from this space. During our remodel we were robbed by the remodeling guy. I'll make a long story short he took everything that was salvageable, new things, building materials and ran off with the money I paid him. It has been about a month since this has all happened and the Police did a wonderful job at getting this case to the Prosecutor's Office, and no we haven't moved back home yet.  Now we pray and Keep it moving.

I am just going to jump right in and show you what I am really excited about today!


                                                         Algebra you can touch!  

I'll see you guys back here tomorrow and if your reading this Thank you for hanging in there with me!