I was given the opportunity to review MusIQ Homeschool an award winning music program that was developed by ADVENTUS.

Musiq Homeschool offers music lessons that are done right at home with computer software that is downloaded to your computer if you decide to just do a monthly subscription, but if you do decide to pay for the entire program a CD ROM will be mailed to you. There are so many different bundles to choose from, which helps make the program fit the needs of your family's budget All you need to operate this program is the software, and a MIDI Capable Keyboard that you just plug into your computer. Go here to learn more about the computer system requirements. Based on the age or experience of the child you can choose from the Early Curriculum (4-10 yrs) or the Multi-level curriculum (10+)
All three of the kids and I have been learning how to play the piano with this program. For the purposes of this review I will share how DJ is getting piano lessons right at home! I started DJ in Level I of the Children's Music Journey. DJ was instantly reeled in when he saw a log in page and was able to set up his profile and create a password. DJ loves to use the computer so this wasn't impressive to me, but he has never expressed wanting to learn a musical instrument before so it was still wait and see.
In his first lesson he was caught by surprise when he was asked to identify what a piano was, his first thought was this is for babies. At first I thought maybe I should be starting him in another level. Well he quickly liked learning his High and Lows, and learning some music appreciation with a beautiful lesson about Beethoven, who was also DJ's instructor( O.K. not really:) As he progressed and finally made it to level 2 he was so excited about entering the recording studio where he was able to perform a new song . Once DJ made it to Level 2 he has been independently working through the lessons and he is hooked!
What I really like is the detailed lessons, and the suggested activities were relevant and encouraged a love of practicing, which all of the kids wanted to do everyday. Most days they all used this program for at least thirty minutes. I quickly had to create a practice schedule so they wouldn't rip each other's eyeballs out to get a chance to practice ( just kidding). Seriously, if you do have more than one child I highly recommend you first implement a practice schedule to prevent any chaos, because your kids are going to love this!
If you are interested in your children learning how to play the piano I would give this program a try. It is perfect for us! It covers every one's abilities, here is the link to all of the software. Go ahead try it! If you have any doubts click here for a FREE 7 DAY TRIAL.