We received the Home school Core Curriculum K-8 from Family Time Fitness to review and it is just awesome. It is always a bonus to receive a review material when it is welcomed by all members of the family.
What is Family Fitness? It is a professional physical education curriculum developed by a home school family that was looking for a physical education curriculum for their children but couldn't find any.
What is included in the Home school Core Curriculum K-8? The curriculum consist of 260 lessons that is available through a PDF, a start up guide, video demonstrations, assessment tools, and certificate of completions. You also will get emails encouraging you along the way.
What are the lessons like? The lessons can be done however you like to schedule them. Family Time Fitness recommends the lessons to be completed at least 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes a day, it is easy to integrate just three days a week, this is what we did. Each Lesson has three basic components; A warm up, game time/activity, and ends with a cool down.

Can I really teach Physical Education? Yes!! Family Time Fitness lessons plans are written specifically for those who don't have a background in teaching physical education. The video demonstrations gives your family confidence in learning new physical skills. My children and I enjoyed learning the proper way to perform ball circles and we are proud to say that " We are Master Ball Circlers" Often times they would refer back to the video when they felt compelled to exercise. After a few lessons they were reviewing the videos and sharing their new found skills with family members and friends. The weather cooperated nicely during our review period so we were able to incorporate those activities into our days, easily.
Do I need to spend a lot of money on the equipment? NO! You probably have all of the basic materials like playground balls, hula hoops, cones, bean bags,etc. I didn't have any cones, but I scored sets of them at the Target Dollar Spot. If I wasn't able to find cones I just would of asked my kids to get creative for me and they would of came up with something for sure!!

Family Time Fitness has done a lot of research to bring this professionally made physical education curriculum into your home school. They have found that while completing the program your child will improve in the following areas:
- Strength
- Mobility
- Agility
- Flexibility
- Coordination
- Balance
- Endurance
- Mental Activity
The cost of the curriculum is just $57.00 which includes any updates to the videos that may be added.
This program is suitable not only for homeschooling, but I feel all families could benefit from this quality time. It is a new lifestyle for us and we are looking forward to our lessons every other day. Our goal is to do it for the five days recommended, but we are taking one step at a time. You can go here and sign up for a free trial.
To read other crew members reviews of this curriculum you can go here schoolhousereviewcrew.com/786355

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